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Save Money With Countertop Resurfacing and Save the High Cost of Replacement

Countertops see a lot of use, especially in kitchens, where the constant exposure to heat, stains, and scratches and sometimes the weather, can cause the surface to deteriorate. It is when such effects start becoming visible to all and sundry that you realize your countertop is not pleasing to the eye. This is when you have to look at a solution to either replace it or opt for the more economical method of countertop resurfacing.

Resurfacing is a method that involves repairs or changes to the laminate that is showing signs of distress. It is a process that can be far cheaper, than replacing the entire countertop. The economy comes from the fact, that the supporting structure, which is a major cost in countertops, remains the same. Countertop resurfacing can make a countertop look as if it is new. Most countertops are made of laminates and other such thin materials. It is quite easy to go through the process of resurfacing the countertop even on your own, and this will result in your saving even more money. It is when the countertop is made of a thicker material like some form of stone or granite (the commonest) that you may need to bring in a professional for the resurfacing work.

When you want to resurface a countertop that has laminate, you can remove the old laminate by stripping it and removing the glue with a stripper. The surface then needs to be properly sanded down till the entire surface is clean. A new laminate can then be installed. This needs to blend with the rest of the room. The laminate must be flattened with a roller so that are no bumps or unevenness. Alternatively, you can create a rough surface on the old laminate and bond the new laminate over it.

It is also possible to go in for countertop resurfacing that uses decorative chips over an adhesive base coat. This surface will be quite hard and last longer than normal laminates. Here again the original countertop can be removed or worked over to create a base for the new covering. Cracks and dents must be filled with epoxy putty and then the surface must be sanded till it is smooth. All vestiges of grease must be removed. A sanding tool can then be used to create small scratches on the surface. The adhesive can then be applied as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The best results will be when you apply a layer as thick as cake frosting. The base coat of adhesive then needs to be wetted, ensuring that no puddles are formed. The decorative chips need to be applied to the base coat while it is still wet, and must be quite liberally applied if you want to get a good finish. Allow the entire surface to dry for at least twelve hours. After this time the loose chips must be removed and a sanding tool used to smooth the countertop until the surface meets your standards of evenness. Remove the dust with a damp cloth if necessary. The final operation of countertop resurfacing is the one in which you apply a protective coat. Leave the countertop for at least a couple of days, and refrain from putting it to normal use for at least a week.
