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If you want to fix up your bathroom because it is old or you just moved into an older home, you have some choices to make. You might opt to purchase a new bathtub, have it installed, and enjoy the convenience of a new tub and fixtures. On the other hand, you may decide to simply resurface your old one, and this choice can be cheaper for a number of reasons.

Replacing Your Old Tub With A New One

If you decide to replace your old tub, you are going to probably need contractors to do the work. Taking out your old tub and putting in a new one may require them to tear out some of your old tiles, and this will have to be fixed too. Of course, the removal of your old tub and putting in a new one also requires plumbing work.

In addition to the cost of your new bathtub, you are also going to have to pay to get a lot of work done so your bathroom looks good and functions well again! Expect this solution to cost a lot more than just the price of a new bathtub!

Of course, now you have another problem. Does the new tub match the sink and other fixtures? Are you going to have to replace everything to get the look you want?

Resurface Your Old Tub So It Looks Like New!

On the other hand, you might be able to save time and money by simply going with bathtub resurface. High-quality tubs can last a very long time. As time passes, the tubs may get a few scratches and dings, but these are usually just cosmetic problems. New techniques allow technicians to apply a new coat over the old one. These new coats are guaranteed to last for many years, and they may provide a better solution to purchasing and installing an entirely new tub.

Here’s the other good thing about resurfacing. You have an opportunity to change the color of your tub. If you want a shower area or sink to match, it is easy enough to get the technicians to handle the entire job.

Bathtub resurfaces can even erase the effects of mold and stains. Anybody who has seen your old and new tub will think you purchase a new one, but only you know the truth!

Your Bath Tub Resurface or Replace?

It is probably a lot more sensible to resurface your old tub, shower, and sink than to consider replacing them. You only need technicians to do the resurfacing. You do not need people to remove your old tub, install a new one, deal with plumbing, and then fix your tiles.

Bathtub resurfacing is fairly inexpensive, allows you to choose new colors, and should be guaranteed to last for many years. It can be a lot of fun to choose an entirely new look for your old tub, and it should save you money.
